Sharon's Knitting & Crochet World

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Welcome to Sharon's Knitting & Crochet World

Welcome everyone, Hope you enjoy it as much as I have putting it together, now Little Bit about me.

My Name is Sharon and I am 48 and happily married for 29yrs, I have two beautiful adult children, a daughter in law and a granddaughter. I have been kntting since I was about 10yrs old, my mother bless heart heart taught me how to knit, she had to knit socks, scarves, mitts and hats for all of us, there was 12 kids in the house so buying for all of us would be very expensive, I was not the easiest child out of all of us to learn to knit, but once I learned how to knit I really enjoyed it and still do to this very day. I have taught both my children and some of their friends how to knit, but my kids are not into like I am. I have knitted many things over the years from baby outfits and blankets to sweaters, scarves and afghans and I have to say that I enjoy knitting afghans more. The only thing I have not learned how to knit yet are socks and one day I will do that.

When I was in public school I had to take a sewing class but they also taught us how to cook not that I need to know that, but they also taught us how to crochet, but I could never get the hang of it. Now that I am older and I know how to knit well, I have decided that it is time to learn how to crochet so I am now teaching myself how to do that. I haven't created anthing yet but as soon as I do I will post my projects here.

Happy Knitting & Crocheting Everyone


  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger knitheaven said…

    This looks great! Can't wait to see what's to come.


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